The 2018 Season’s Fashion Trends – Part Two

Last week we took a peek at five of this season’s Top 10 fashion trends. Let’s round it out with the remaining top five fads to ratchet up your red carpet finesse and max out your wardrobe street savvy. Ruffle it up Ruffles are everywhere, bringing a bit of femininity to every environs. But these […]

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How to Wear White Right

After a dreary Spring filled with unexpected weather, I couldn’t wait to try on my summer whites, whether slacks, skirts or dresses. Such a refreshing change from wearing the dark and dour wardrobe colors of Winter. Many of my clients feel the same way. With the advent of Summer, they couldn’t wait to change it […]

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The 2018 Season’s Fashion Trends – Part One of Two

In this dizzying, distracting year of politics and polarization, the ever-changing world of women’s fashion seems positively stable. Let’s take a look at five of the season’s Top 10 Fashion Trends that can help pull your current classic wardrobe back to the future. 1. Check, please Plaids, stripes and checks continue to make a fun […]

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How to Dress for Your Body Type – Part 4 of 4

Hourglass Body Type You’re The Top To stay tops in the fashion department, choose shirts and blouses that enhance your waist and bust line and help lengthen your torso. Perfect are V-neck or scooped neck silhouettes, halter tops that show off your shapely shoulders, wraparound versions that accentuate your waist and those tops whose hemline […]

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How to Dress for Your Body Type Part 3 of 4

Rectangular Body Type Lucky you! A rectangular body shape makes you part of the fashion elite: today’s top models. If you have a rectangular body shape, often described as “boyish,” the goal for dressing your lean and athletic figure is simply to create the appearance of a curvier waist and derriere to enhance your femininity and draw attention […]

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