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Patterns and Prints and Palettes, Oh My! Part 2 of 2

by Kathleen Audet, AICI Mixing and matching prints and patterns is on-trend for 2018. But it’s a tricky fashion wicket unless you know the mix ‘n’ match rules of the road. 1. Animal prints and stripes can be considered “neutral.” Both can be combined with any other print or pattern, just as you would combine […]

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Patterns and Prints and Palettes, Oh My! Part 1

by Kathleen Audet, AICI You can count on patterns to add visual interest and variety to your wardrobe. So what kinds of patterns are there and how do you mix them? There are over 250 patterns in the world of prints and patterns and motifs–with names like quatrafoil, zalij, ikat and cartouche. For the sake […]

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Packin’ it In – Traveling light with a carry-on bag

Packin’ it In Traveling light with a carry-on bag No baggage fees. No lost luggage. Just flying through the friendly skies with ease Most of us love to travel, whether it be a weekend getaway or a trip to the exotic and beyond. But no one likes the prep. Packing for short-term travel can be […]

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If the Wardrobe Fits…Wear It

If Not, Run (Don’t Walk) to Your Favorite Seamstress When it comes to your wardrobe, fit not only flatters, it matters. Much more than you think. Last week, I shared the best and brightest 2015 Fashion Trends. They’re fun, they’re formal, they’re funky and they’re fabulous. And whether your favorite trend manifests as an accessory […]

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