If the Wardrobe Fits…Wear It

If the Wardrobe Fits…Wear It

If Not, Run (Don’t Walk) to Your Favorite Seamstress When it comes to your wardrobe, fit not only flatters, it matters. Much more than you think. Last week, I shared the best and brightest 2015 Fashion Trends. They’re fun, they’re formal, they’re funky and they’re…

How to Wear White Right

How to Wear White Right

After a dreary Spring filled with unexpected weather, I couldn’t wait to try on my summer whites, whether slacks, skirts or dresses. Such a refreshing change from wearing the dark and dour wardrobe colors of Winter. Many of my clients feel the same way. With…

How to Dress for Your Body Type Part 3 of 4

How to Dress for Your Body Type Part 3 of 4

Rectangular Body Type

Lucky you! A rectangular body shape makes you part of the fashion elite: today’s top models.

If you have a rectangular body shape, often described as “boyish,” the goal for dressing your lean and athletic figure is simply to create the appearance of a curvier waist and derriere to enhance your femininity and draw attention to your great arms and legs. Assets of a boyish figure are:

  • Full neck
  • Broad back
  • Small to medium bust
  • Balanced shoulders and hips
  • Square hips
  • Undefined waistline
  • Flat derriere
  • Great legs and arms
  • Few or no curves