2015 Fall Fashion Trends

2015 Fall Fashion Trends

Love ’em or Leave ’em? It’s that time of year again. Time when designers strut their latest stuff down the tony runways that define New York’s Fashion Week. Time when today’s best and brightest vie for front-row-status seats to see and be seen on those…

Culottes: Cool or Not?

Culottes: Cool or Not?

Culottes were cool in the ’60s and ’70s. Then they dropped off the fashion fave list. But not for long. They have just made a comeback on today’s red carpets and runways. But are culottes cool or not? Are they considered cool or uncouth? Men…

Don’t Claim Body Shame

Don’t Claim Body Shame

Learn to Love Your Body Just the Way You Are   In a perfect world, we would embrace our perfection. We would cherish both our humanity and our innate divinity. We would feel good about who we are and what we do. We would celebrate…

To Trend or Not to Trend

To Trend or Not to Trend

That is the Question Spring fashion dictates that there are several new wardrobe trends afoot. Some have been around for a bit, others are just peeking over the horizon. Here are just a few of today’s fashion trends: There is the ’70s Boho Babe look that includes…

How NOT to Look Old III

How NOT to Look Old III

Wake Up Your Makeup: Quick Tricks to Help You Look Younger (Part 3 of a 3-Part Series) Every woman wants to look like a younger version of herself. Most of us long to dip our toes in the Fountain of Youth. But you can stop…

How NOT to Look Old Part 2 of 3

How NOT to Look Old Part 2 of 3

Is Your Hairstyle Aging You?  What woman doesn’t want to look 10 pounds thinner and 10 years younger? In today’s tech-savvy world, it IS possible to do both. But it’s particularly easy to look 10 years younger when you know the ins and outs of…