Your Image

Change Your Image,
Change Your Life

How to Shine in Every Way, Every Day

Your image can help determine not only your professional success but your social success.

Socially, studies show that a positive impression generated in the first three seconds of meeting someone can create what psychologist Edward Thorndike calls the “Halo Effect,” or beauty bias. This occurs when the well-dressed woman is perceived as more--more creative, more intelligent, more likely to be hired and promoted, more imaginative, more generous and more kind than their less-well-dressed colleagues.

A 2011 Harvard study concurs. It viewed the well-put-together woman as more attractive, competent, likable and trustworthy.

Who doesn’t want to be “more?” Your image literally spells more. More success in every area of your life.


Why Work with Professional Image Consultant?

Are you casual or classic? Formal or fashion forward? Sporty or sophisticated?

How do you create a positive image that's authentically you? Most women, when young, are not taught how to dress to express their authentic selves. Maybe their mothers didn’t know how either. But with the help of a professional image consultant, you can learn how to create a look you love that will propel you to the top of your game, whether it's professionally or personally.

Laurel Lund at LL Style Studio is just that professional. She helps uncover the authentic you to make certain your image reflects your personality, profession and lifestyle.

Ask Laurel how she can help you improve your image and give you a signature style that makes you shine. With over 30 years experience in fashion, color and design, she has the skills, the credentials, the training and the experience to help you create that look you'll love.

Laurel also has the joy of knowing that her LL Style Studio clients have experienced “life changing” transformations through their work together.

To learn more about putting together a look that not only flatters and fits both your personality and your lifestyle...

Ask Laurel, a professional image consultant, how to improve your image.